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Webflow vs. WordPress: Why Webflow is the Future of Web Design

Matt Buckland
September 3, 2024
8 min read
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The world of web design is in a state of constant evolution, with new technologies and platforms continuously emerging to meet the demands of modern businesses and creatives. 

Among these platforms, WordPress and Webflow stand out as two of the prominent options for web design. While WordPress has long been the dominant force in the industry, Webflow is rapidly gaining recognition as the future of web design, thanks to its innovative approach and powerful features.

As a Webflow agency, it’s important we help businesses understand why Webflow (in our opinion) is a better, more modern option for their websites. 

This guide explores the strengths of Webflow and why it’s positioned to overtake WordPress as the preferred platform for businesses, designers, and developers.

The Evolution of Web Design Platforms

Web design has evolved significantly over the past two decades. In the early 2000s, website creation was largely the domain of developers who wrote complex code to build websites from scratch. 

The advent of content management systems (CMS) like WordPress made web design more accessible, enabling non-technical users to create and manage websites using themes and plugins. 

However, as the demands of the web have grown, so too have the limitations of traditional platforms.

Webflow represents the next step in this evolution. It enables designers to build complex, responsive websites without writing code, making it a powerful tool for creatives who want complete control over their design process. 

Since its launch, Webflow has gained traction as a versatile, design-driven platform that bridges the gap between creativity and functionality.

For our agency it makes perfect sense. We can spend more time making websites look beautiful and writing copy that sells your services & products by the truckload.

Understanding Webflow and WordPress: A Brief Overview

Webflow: A Design-First Platform

Webflow is a cloud-based website builder and hosting platform that allows designers to create custom, responsive websites through a visual interface. It generates clean, semantic code in the background, allowing for a seamless transition from design to development. Webflow’s standout features include:

1. Visual Design Interface

Webflow’s editor allows designers to build websites visually, making it easy to see changes in real-time without writing code.

2. Clean Code Export

Unlike many other visual builders, Webflow produces clean, efficient HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that can be exported and hosted elsewhere if desired.

3. Built-in CMS and E-commerce

Webflow’s integrated CMS and e-commerce functionalities provide a robust environment for content management and online sales.

4. Responsive Design Tools

Webflow’s responsive design capabilities ensure that websites look great on all devices, enhancing user experience across the board. Optimising for tablet & mobile is painless.

5. Advanced Animations and Interactions

Designers can create engaging animations and interactions without coding, adding dynamic elements that capture user attention. Giving your website that subtle sex appeal.

WordPress: The Old Guard

WordPress is an open-source CMS that powers over 40% of websites on the internet. It is the go-to platform for bloggers, small businesses, and large enterprises alike, thanks to its flexibility and extensive ecosystem of plugins and themes. Key features include:

1. Open-Source Flexibility

WordPress’s open-source nature allows for extensive customisation, enabling developers to modify the core code and create custom functionalities.

2. Extensive Plugin Ecosystem

With thousands of plugins available, WordPress can be extended to meet virtually any website need, from Custom forms & booking systems to e-commerce funnels.

3. Themes for Rapid Setup

WordPress offers thousands of themes that enable users to quickly set up a website, though customisations often require technical expertise.

4. Robust Content Management

WordPress excels as a CMS, particularly for content-heavy sites such as blogs, news sites, and online magazines. However, editing & maintaining a vast WordPress blog can become a chore.

5. SEO-Friendly Architecture

Built-in features and plugins like Yoast SEO make WordPress inherently SEO-friendly, helping sites rank higher on search engines. Although in all our tests Webflow beats WordPress on an SEO front.

Why Webflow is the Future of Web Design

While WordPress still dominates the market (for now), Webflow is positioning itself as the future of web design for several reasons. Its design-centric approach, seamless user experience, and emphasis on clean, efficient code set it apart from traditional platforms. 

Here’s a closer look at why Webflow is our preferred choice for modern web design.

1. A Design-Centric Approach that Unleashes Our Creativity

Webflow puts design first, allowing designers to bring their visions to life without the constraints of templates or the need for extensive coding knowledge. 

Unlike WordPress, where the design process often involves working within the limitations of pre-made themes or relying on plugins for customisation, Webflow offers a blank canvas where creativity knows no bounds.

This approach is particularly valuable for agencies and businesses that want to stand out with unique, custom designs that reflect their brand identity. Webflow’s visual editor makes it easy to experiment with layouts, styles, and interactions, ensuring that the end product is both sexy and functional.

Just look at our site as an example. We think it’s pretty cool.

2. Clean, Efficient Code for Better Performance

One of the most significant drawbacks of traditional visual builders is that they often generate bloated, inefficient code. This can slow down websites, making them harder to maintain and optimise for search engines.

Webflow addresses this issue by producing clean, semantic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This not only improves site performance but also enhances SEO, as search engines prioritise websites that load quickly and provide a seamless user experience.

For businesses, this means faster-loading websites, better search rankings, and lower bounce rates—all critical factors for online success. 

Webflow’s emphasis on clean code sets it apart from WordPress, where poorly coded themes and plugins can drag down performance and lead to security vulnerabilities.

Sites that we build for clients almost always produce vastly improved SEO rankings. Even producing No.1 positions across multiple local keywords on launch day.

3. Responsive Design Made Simple

With the majority of web traffic now coming from mobile devices, responsive design is no longer optional—it’s essential. 

Webflow’s visual editor makes creating responsive websites intuitive and straightforward, allowing designers to see exactly how their designs will look on different screen sizes. Adjustments can be made directly on the canvas, ensuring that the final product looks great on all devices.

In contrast, WordPress often requires separate plugins or custom code to achieve responsive designs, adding layers of complexity and potential points of failure.

Webflow’s device optimisation capabilities save us dozens of hours every month. A labour cost saving that we pass on to our clients.

4. Built-in CMS and E-commerce Capabilities

Webflow’s integrated CMS and e-commerce functionalities provide a seamless solution for managing content and selling products online. Unlike WordPress, which relies on third-party plugins like WooCommerce for e-commerce functionality, Webflow’s built-in tools offer a more cohesive and reliable experience. 

Webflow’s CMS allows for dynamic content creation, making it ideal for blogs, portfolios, and other content-rich websites. Its e-commerce platform, while still lacking the functionality of more established platforms, provides all the essential features needed to run an online store, including customisable checkout pages, inventory management, and secure payment processing.

5. Enhanced Security and Maintenance

Security is a major concern for any website owner, and WordPress’s popularity makes it a prime target for hackers. 

With its open-source nature and reliance on plugins, WordPress sites require constant maintenance, including updates and security patches, to stay secure. Failure to keep plugins updated can result in vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit.

Webflow, on the other hand, is a closed system with enhanced security features built-in. The platform handles updates automatically, reducing the burden on website owners and agencies. Webflow’s secure hosting environment further protects against common threats, providing peace of mind for businesses that prioritise security.

Due to the autonomy of the Webflow platform it means we can spend your monthly website retainer on conversion optimisation & technical SEO. Things that will actually make your business money.

6. Superior Performance Optimisation

Webflow’s infrastructure is optimised for speed and performance, offering features such as global CDN (Content Delivery Network), automatic image optimisation, and clean code generation. 

These elements contribute to faster loading times and a smoother user experience, both of which are critical factors for SEO and user engagement.

In contrast, WordPress sites can suffer from slow loading times due to poorly optimised themes, excessive plugins, and shared hosting environments. The performance advantages of Webflow are especially important in today’s digital landscape, where even a slight delay in loading time can result in lost conversions and lower search engine rankings.

You won’t believe how stark the difference is until you get a Webflow site for yourself.

7. Collaboration and Client Management Tools

For agencies, managing multiple projects and clients can be a challenge. Webflow offers several features designed to streamline workflows, including team collaboration tools, and client billing options. 

These tools make it easier for agencies to manage their projects, communicate with clients, and deliver high-quality results on time.

Webflow’s Client Billing feature, for example, allows agencies to charge clients directly for hosting and maintenance, creating a steady revenue stream without the administrative burden of managing invoices. Additionally, the platform’s white-labelling capabilities enable agencies to present Webflow as their own custom solution, enhancing brand perception and client trust.

We don’t make use of these features and choose to hand over sites to our client’s own Webflow account. Then becoming a 3rd party manager of the site. That way you own what you’ve paid for.

8. User-Friendly Learning Curve

One of the most common criticisms of WordPress is its steep learning curve, particularly for those who are new to web design. 

Navigating the backend, configuring plugins, and managing themes can be overwhelming for beginners, and the risk of breaking something is ever-present. Webflow, in contrast, offers a more intuitive learning experience focused on design principles rather than coding.

While there is still a deep learning curve with Webflow, it’s much more accessible for designers and marketers who want to get hands-on with their websites without diving into code. Webflow University, the platform’s comprehensive learning hub, offers a wealth of tutorials, courses, and resources to help users master the platform quickly and effectively.

This is great for our bigger one-time clients who want to go on to manage their website in-house.

9. Advanced Interactions and Animations

Creating engaging, interactive websites has never been easier than with Webflow. 

The platform’s built-in interactions and animation tools allow designers to create stunning effects without writing any code. 

From simple hover animations to complex scroll-triggered interactions, Webflow empowers designers to add dynamic elements that enhance the user experience and make websites feel alive.

10. Future-Proofing Websites for Tomorrow’s Web

The web is constantly changing, and businesses need a platform that can keep up with the latest trends and technologies. Webflow’s cloud-based nature allows for rapid updates and feature rollouts, ensuring that websites built on the platform remain up-to-date and compatible with new standards. 

Whether it’s integrating the latest CSS techniques, adopting new JavaScript frameworks, or optimising for new SEO requirements, Webflow is designed to evolve alongside the web.

WordPress, while highly customisable, can struggle to keep pace with technological advancements due to its reliance on third-party developers for plugins and themes. 

Compatibility issues, outdated plugins, and security vulnerabilities can create headaches for businesses trying to stay current. Webflow’s all-in-one approach provides a more future-proof solution, reducing the need for ongoing maintenance and costly overhauls.

If you invest in a Webflow site now. Be rest assured it’ll last you a lifetime.

Challenges and Considerations

While Webflow offers numerous advantages, it’s important to recognise that no platform is perfect. Here are some challenges and considerations for businesses thinking about making the switch:

1. Pricing

Webflow’s pricing model can be more expensive than WordPress, especially for larger or more complex websites. While the investment often pays off in terms of time saved and reduced maintenance costs, budget-conscious businesses should weigh the pros and cons.

2. Learning Curve

Although Webflow is easier to learn than coding from scratch, it still requires time and effort to master. Businesses should be prepared to invest in learning resources or partner with a Webflow agency (like those handsome fellows at Conquer The Internet) to maximise the platform’s potential.

3. Customization Limitations

While highly flexible, Webflow may have limitations for extremely complex or unique functionalities compared to WordPress’s open-source nature. Custom code can be added to Webflow sites, but WordPress’s extensive plugin library might still hold an edge.

4. Plugin Ecosystem

WordPress’s vast plugin ecosystem remains unmatched, offering solutions for virtually any functionality imaginable. While Webflow’s built-in features cover most needs, businesses with niche requirements may need to explore custom code or external integrations. However, Webflow’s own app store is growing every day.

5 Tangible Benefits of Getting a New Business Website on Webflow

Want the TLDR? Don’t care about the details and just need to know the stuff that matters? Here are five tangible benefits of building your new business website on Webflow:

1. Faster Loading Speeds and Improved Performance

Website performance directly affects user experience, search engine rankings, and conversion rates. Slow websites frustrate visitors and can drive customers away. Webflow reduces unnecessary bloat, leading to faster load times and smoother browsing experiences.

This superior performance not only keeps users engaged but also helps boost your SEO, as search engines prioritise fast-loading websites in their rankings.

Tangible Benefits for Your Business:

  • Faster load times can lead to higher engagement, reduced bounce rates, and improved conversion rates.
  • Improved SEO performance helps attract more organic traffic, driving new leads and sales.
  • A smoother, more reliable website experience enhances customer satisfaction and brand reputation.

2. Streamlined Design and Branding with Total Customisation

A website is often the first impression potential customers have of your business, and a generic, cookie-cutter site just won’t cut it in today’s competitive market. Webflow allows for total design freedom, enabling you to create a unique, fully customised website that reflects your brand’s personality and values. 

Unlike WordPress, where you often have to work within the constraints of pre-designed themes, Webflow offers a blank canvas.

Tangible Benefits for Your Business:

  • A fully customised design that differentiates your brand from competitors and enhances your market positioning.
  • The ability to visually communicate your brand story and values, increasing brand loyalty and recognition.
  • Increased design flexibility allows for future updates and redesigns without the constraints of templates, keeping your site fresh and relevant.

3. Built-In SEO Tools to Boost Your Search Visibility

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is critical for driving organic traffic to your website, but it can be complex and time-consuming. Webflow simplifies this process with built-in SEO tools.

Additionally, Webflow’s fast-loading pages, mobile responsiveness, and clean code contribute to better SEO performance, aligning your website with Google’s Core Web Vitals requirements. 

Unlike WordPress, where you might rely on multiple plugins to handle SEO, Webflow’s integrated approach makes it easier to manage and maintain your site’s search visibility.

Tangible Benefits for Your Business:

  • Enhanced search engine rankings lead to increased organic traffic and new customer acquisition.
  • Integrated SEO tools save time and reduce reliance on third-party plugins or additional services.
  • A strong SEO foundation helps ensure your website remains competitive in search results, driving long-term growth.

4. Enhanced Security and Reduced Maintenance Hassles

Website security is a top priority for businesses, especially those handling sensitive customer data or e-commerce transactions. 

WordPress is notorious for its security vulnerabilities. Webflow, by contrast, is a closed platform with built-in security measures, including automatic SSL certificates, daily backups, and advanced threat detection.

Tangible Benefits for Your Business:

  • Enhanced security features reduce the risk of data breaches, protecting your business and customer information.
  • Automatic updates and maintenance free up your time, allowing you to focus on core business activities instead of technical upkeep.
  • Reliable hosting and daily backups ensure your site remains live and protected, minimising potential downtime and disruptions.

5. Scalability and Flexibility to Grow with Your Business

As your business grows, so do your website needs. Webflow’s all-in-one platform grows with you. 

You can easily add new pages, integrate custom functionalities, and adjust your site’s design without the need for major overhauls. For businesses that want to stay agile and responsive to market changes, Webflow provides the ideal foundation.

Tangible Benefits for Your Business:

  • Scalable CMS and e-commerce capabilities enable you to expand your website as your business evolves, without starting from scratch.
  • Flexibility to quickly adapt to new market opportunities, product launches, or changes in customer behaviour.
  • Future-proof infrastructure ensures your website can incorporate the latest technologies and design trends, keeping you ahead of the curve.

Embracing the Future of Web Design with Webflow

While WordPress remains a powerful and versatile platform with a vast user base, Webflow represents the future of web design in many compelling ways.

As the web design landscape continues to evolve, Webflow’s strengths align closely with emerging trends in no-code development, design-to-code workflows, and the increasing emphasis on performance and user experience. 

For businesses looking to stay ahead of the curve and embrace the next generation of web design, Webflow offers a compelling, forward-thinking solution that combines the best of both worlds: the creativity of design with the functionality of development.

Ultimately, the choice between Webflow and WordPress will depend on specific project requirements, budget constraints, and personal preferences. 

However, we feel that Webflow stands out as the clear choice for the future. Hence why we’re now a Webflow-exclusive agency, it’s so good that we simply refuse to use anything else.

If you’re ready to make the switch and get a business website that actually makes your business money, you should get in touch… Go on… You know you want to.

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